I feel all alone. Will anyone ever understand me?

Will I have this pain for the rest of my life?

How can I honor my loved one’s memory?

Experiencing grief over the loss of a loved one often has an overwhelming effect that makes us feel there is nowhere to turn for comfort or understanding. From the beginning, we wonder how we are going to cope with such a loss. Even as we begin to get our feet back underneath us, well-meaning friends and loved ones may have “moved on,” or may not know how to support us. It can feel as though hope is gone and a sense of normalcy will never be regained.

At different times throughout our grief process it can be difficult to simply function in the world. This is why the theory of “grief stages” originally held such hope for those who were grieving. But as the bereaved found that these stages did not fit their actual grief experience, and potentially left them feeling more confused or isolated, the theory eventually fell flat. We now know that there are no linear stages of grief to follow and complete. Rather, each loss is unique to us as the griever and there are often emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations that we experience as we live into the terrain of grief. Some of the subjects my clients often discuss with me are:

  • Shock

  • Hopelessness

  • Questioning Values

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Regrets

  • Guilt

  • Overwhelm

  • Searching

  • Crying

  • Role Changes

  • Need for Normalcy

  • Questioning Long-Held Beliefs

  • Forgiveness

Having sustained multiple losses within my family as a young adult, and working in grief and loss for 20+ years, I understand the intricacies and overwhelm of grief and trauma both personally and professionally. Many people find great benefit in meeting with a bereavement counselor after sustaining the loss of a loved one. You will discover there is reason for hope, ways to honor your loved one, and support and tools available to help you move towards healing.  You do not have to walk this path alone. Please contact me to start your healing journey today.
